Summer Wrap-up
So now that fall has officially arrived, both by date, and FINALLY, by temperature, I've found some closure to Summertime. Coopers first summer ever, and Jacksons third. These baby summers will end before I know it and I'm glad we packed it full of just enough stuff and just enough nothing.
As summer arrived, Cooper was just emerging from Team Colic, of which he was quite the all-star. The idea of NOT rocking a crying baby for up to 3 hours a night was a new and welcomed activity. Turns out he is a charmer...smiles at the drop of a hat and holds his own as 'little brother'. Loves the water, loves to be outside, LOVES to cuddle, and giggle, loves mom, dad, and brother. And now loves to move! Tummy scoots himself around the room like it's nothing. He can even scale some vertical obstacles this train tracks(Thomas-sized tracks, that is), pillows, or mommy.
As summer arrived, Jackson was still in diapers! And although we are by no means champions of the big boy potty, I am AMAZED at how well he has done with the transition out of diapers. He is one smart kiddo. Turns out he is also one willful kiddo. We were somewhat hopeful that the terrible twos might not be so terrible, but, well, they are. He rounded the corner of 2 years old in March and by June that little will came out swinging. He's made us secretly laugh, but outwardly raise our eyebrows to the roof at the way he tests the limits. I can hardly believe how much he is turning in to a little boy. My first baby. When I am feeling nostalgic I ask him if he remembers when he was a baby. He usually tells me yes...he mouth was hurting cuz his teeth were popping out(something he's keenly observing with baby brother). Watching his little personality continue to come out is such fun. He is a big teaser, very orderly, a bit cautious, and has a fantastic imagination. His trains and cars are having conversations all day.
What did we do with those 3 fleeting months of whimsy, those lazy days? Well, let's review. We hosted 3 house guests, totaling at least 5 weeks of the summer. We hosted a RYFO band. Did some substantial birthday-partying(3 out of 4 cousins have summer birthdays-this year we celebrated ages 1, 2, and 3!) Celebrated 7 years of marriage with a giddy kid-free day(thanks mom) at the movies, the bowling alley, the mall, multiple restaurants. It was like we were 20 and was a blast. We had family trips to the beach, the park, the zoo, the pool. Hosted our annual Fourth of July BBQ. Enjoyed tickets to The Pageant of the Masters( thanks Dad G.).Spent a fun week in Lake Tahoe with my parents and brother (Coop-not down with an 8 hour trip-happy to resort to old colic ways during the car ride). Had a bazillion visits with great friends and family, including great-grandparents from the midwest. Attended 2 weddings and 1 proposal! And ended with a bang, moving in to our new place on September 1st!
You were a great summer, 2012. I am THRILLED to be heading into Fall, my all-time favorite...candles, coziness, holidays, my 30th birthday in November! I am thanking the Lord for seasons right now. A fantastic and creative idea of His, I think.
A few summer pics...