Greenwood Family Update

I've been on a bit of a blogging hiatus, 5 months to be exact, and tonight it is finally time to break the blogging silence with a family update! And there is a reason that update comes tonight...we have some big news to share with all of you, our family and friends. No, we are NOT pregnant (that's the first place my mind would go if I were reading this).

Over the last few months Nick and I have spent a lot of time talking and praying over God's direction in our lives. We've been really sensing His leading for awhile now, but we just didn't know exactly where he was leading, or when, for that matter. Until now. It's been pretty amazing for Nick and I over the last 2 months to watch God put things into place. The way He's brought opportunity and led our hearts towards it has been such a God-story. So if you ever talk to me I'll tell you all the details but for now I'll stop being vague and tell you whats up. We are moving to Big Bear Lake! Nick will be an associate pastor overseeing music and the development of outreach ministries at a church in town. We are both so excited about this role, the team around it, and the church community we'll be a part of. God has been so faithful and we are so confident this is the direction He is taking us. 

For you non-California friends of mine, this means we will be moving about 2 hours northeast from where we live now, and about 7,000 feet up. We will be losing the ocean and the freeway and gaining a lake, some ski resorts, and winter snow! Yes that's right, we are moving to the mountains.

For you California friends, especially local ones, we are sad to say goodbye to all of you, and the town where we've spent the last 7 years...our first years of marriage, our first years in ministry, our first years as parents. We've been so blessed by so many of you and your love and friendship and support. Come and see us if you ever need a mountain getaway! 

We will be moving up by June 1st. Nick will also continue to work with and be a part of the RYFO team, for those of you wondering.

It will be an adjustment and an adventure for us, but one we are ready and excited to begin, hopefully with your prayers, and hopefully with more blogging to come. :)


Greenwood Family Update.

