Keeping My Goggles On
I am a creature of habit. There is a little breakfast cafe that I frequent probably twice a month down the street from the duplex I live in. I order the same french toast meal every single time, and the servers know it by heart. I love my small-town-old-man-regular-breakfast-order-experiences. It’s a comfortable feeling. I could see myself being one of those old men that goes to the same cafe every Saturday morning, with the same server, ordering the same meal, that costs the same price, until one day they change the menu prices on me and it ruins my whole month! So I might be a little Jack-Nicholson-like, from the movie As Good As It Gets, SO WHAT! Don’t make me change.
Afraid of Failure
I am afraid of failure. Those who are attuned enough to their inner reactions and take a moment to process why they react the way they do to certain things may resonate with me on this. Sometimes my inner reaction to disappointing someone is anger. I can’t stand the thought of someone being offended by much so that I get ultra-defensive when I am accused of such. They must be in the wrong... Other times, the feeling I get is a brutal sick-to-my-stomach feeling. Do you know about that one?