Summer Camp - July 9-13, 2023
We are headed back to Angeles Crest Christian Camp this year for Summer Camp, July 9-13! It’s coming quickly! Thanks for helping me out by completing the online registration and paying your balance! Your attention to this will help a ton on my end! Please carefully read the information below, and let me know if you have any questions!
Fellow parent,
Pastor Nick Greenwood
San Antonio Heights Community Church
Sign-ups Are Easy-Peasy!
Step 1 - Scholarships
First, email to request a 1/3 OFF “campership” from the camp directly. Include camper name, camp dates, and our church’s name: “San Antonio Heights Community Church”
For additional funds needed, send a request to Pastor Nick: (949) 683-3983
Or if you’d like to contribute to another camper’s attendance, you can give online. Choose the “Youth Camp” option from the dropdown. Thank you!
Step 2 - Registration
Complete the online registration and deposit of $100 by June 11.
Step 3 - Camp Info
Review the camp info below and download the medical form.
Step 4 - Final Balance & Waiver
Submit final balance online by July 2. Or bring a check by the church facility any time before then. Bring your medical form with you on the day we leave.
Camp Info
When To Drop-off/Pick-up:
We need to leave the church parking lot no later than 1:30pm. Please arrive at the church no later than 1:00pm.
Church Address:
2520 N. Euclid Ave
Upland, CA
We are planning to return home on Thursday, July 13th around 1:30pm-ish.
Who’s Driving and Chaperoning?!
My wife Emily will be coming as the girl’s counselor, and myself and my right-hand college-aged fellow, Gibson Gutierrez and his brother Griffin will be with the boys. The Four of us will be driving.
Medical Form & Packing List
Our church is the GREEN TEAM this year, so the more green you bring, the better!
Location / Contact / Updates From Camp!
Angeles Crest Christian Camp
(626) 449-3339
Nick’s cell: (949) 683-3983
Emily’s cell: (949) 922-5285
To get updates on camp and pictures while we are there, join the Summer Camp 2023 Remind app thread:
Road Closure / Directions
Camp is now requiring us to be escorted up to camp from a meet up location.